A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

What Really Matters to You?


January 15


What Really Matters to You?


Values guide your actions and defines who you are.

Your values are often a driving force behind the choices and decisions you make every day.

Well they should be but often we are not always making our decisions and choices based on our core values. Often your day to day responsibilities become your priorities. You lose focus and connection to what really matters in your life.

There is no right or wrong set of values as long as you are clear on what those values are and make your life choices based on those values.

That doesn’t mean you ignore your responsibilities and basic life priorities it just means you juggle them in a way that meets the needs of both in a way that brings you the most joy, contentment, self-respect and that makes you feel fulfilled.

Your personal values will help you find your purpose, ease decision-making, increase your confidence, and guide you through difficult situations.

What’s important to you in life?

What’s most important to you right now?

What is your heart telling you to do right now?

What would you like to spend your time doing?

What do you stand for?

Who do you respect the most? Why?  

What are you values?

To help you, here’s a short list of personal values.

Achievement, Adventure, Courage, Creativity, Dependability, Determination

Friendship, Health, Honesty, Independence, Integrity, Intelligence, Kindness

Learning, Love, Peace, Security, Simplicity, Sincerity, Spontaneity, Success

Understanding, Wealth


Maybe some of these are important to you. You may have some other values that are important to. (If you need more help choosing your core values it is easy to look a list of ideas online)

Make a list of what you value and matters to you most. Then choice you top three to five values.

Make a habit of reading your list of values every morning when you wake up.

Plan out how you’ll live by your values throughout the day.

Print out your values and keep them close to you to refer to through the day.

Your values should determine your priorities. From now on make you decisions and choices with these values in mind.

Making your choices and decisions strictly by your values will sometimes be difficult. There may be times when it isn’t possible and you have to bend a little.

Whenever you find yourself straying from your values, afterwards and ask yourself what you could have done differently.

Living with your values as a guideline to your life will enhance your enjoyment, and quality of your life over time.


What Are Your Core Values?

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