A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Focused Meditation

March 16


Focused Meditation


Focused meditation is a concentrating on a specific object, slowing down your wondering mind, and being in the present moment.

  • Choose something to focus on, such as a candle or other item, a word, your breath, or music, or something in nature.
  • Get into a comfortable position, relax your body
  • Concentrate on that object of your choice
  • Notice when your attention or thoughts wonder off the object of your focus of attention and just bring your awareness back to your object of attention.

This is often the first time of meditation that is taught to new students. It is simple to practice.

Your mind will wonder, you will lose concentration. It is in noticing and bringing your attention back into focus that is important. As you practiced focus meditation you will get better at concentrating.

Start with short periods of time, perhaps 5 minutes, then slowly build up to more time. Research shows that you will begin to feel and see the results of a mediation practice when you meditate for at least 20 minutes each day.

It 20 minutes at once is too long, then four short periods of 5 minutes will provide you with the similar results.

If you find concentrating on an object difficult then you can try Guided Meditation. In a guided meditation you are led by script which you follow along with. Focusing your mind on the script. Guided meditations include body scans, and body relaxation scripts to scripts that take you along on a relaxing beautiful journey.

Experiment with Guided Meditation

and Focused Meditation

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