A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts


March 12


Awareness is to be aware, to directly know, see, feel, understand, and perceive what is happening in front of you. Consciousness, alertness, realization, comprehension and perception.

Awareness allows you to understand something through your senses. Touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste allowing you to fully experience the situation. Your senses provide you an understanding of what may be happening around you at any current time.

To be aware you must be paying attention to the present moment.

Often we are not aware, not being present in what we are doing or what is going on around us. Distracted on our phones, or on autopilot just going from one things to the next. We can’t remember where we put our glasses or our keys down.

Not being aware has you missing subtle details like the beautiful flower or the smell of rain in the air. Subtle details often are what memories are made of and add that peace of joy to our day. The awe of life. Being aware of life brings your life alive.

Improving your sensory awareness helps you feel more connected with your surroundings. Awareness also increases your ability to understand the intentions of others and respond appropriately to those around you.

Awareness is a key component of mindfulness. It can change the way you see life.

Stop, breathe deeply. Observe the world around you. Be aware of everything in it.

Are you present?

What are you aware of?  

Are you allowing ‘what is’ to occur?

Can you love and embrace your life as it appears in this moment?

Be Aware 

Of what is Happening Around You and To You

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