A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Connect to the Earth

April 2

Connect to the Earth


Connecting to the earth will make you feel more grounded and centered. In connecting to the earth’s energy you will receive earth’s wisdom and guidance.

Spending time outside is powerful. Earth’s energy can calm you or get you excited. Feeling the sunshine makes you come alive. Breathing fresh air revitalizes you.

Being mindful or doing a grounding meditation outside will heal you in any way that you need healing.

Breathing in the fresh air fills you with the breath of life. It helps you see things from a fresh perspective, to see things more clearly. Water helps you to go with the flow, to ride the waves and knowing you will always be taken back to shore. The earth itself, the ground is where you can plant your feet solid on the ground and grow roots that will support you through all of life’s ups and downs. 

Take a walk, go barefoot, touch a tree, smell the flowers, feel the sun on your skin, puddle jump, sing in the rain, plant a garden, sit on the lawn and feel the grass or the dig your toes in the sand.

Studies show that connecting to the earth make you healthier, happier, more creative and maybe even smarter.   

How can you spend more time connecting to the earth and earth’s energy?

Feel the wind in your hair, the sun on your skin, the ground on your toes.

Go Outside and Connect with the Earth


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